Sunday, June 24, 2007

This eyecandy rocks!

Peppie: this eyecandy rocks! We had to tweak some things in order to get it to work, but here is a screen that shows Moosy written in fire and the reflection of the cube.

What I had to do was simply remove all the old Compiz + Beryl stuff that I was running, install the new stuff + the new emerald and start compiz and emerald as follows:

I'm still playing with all the other effects. There are many new / unexplored effects. So we're happy that its a rainy sunday afternoon.

google: compiz fusion openSUSE, compiz-fusion openSUSE, compiz fusion on openSUSE


B said...

Raining? It's not raining in R'Town.
Thanks for the update Peppie.
You rock

Anonymous said...

Cool, please update when you discovered new things.