Saturday, July 07, 2007

A slipped disk

Moosy has got a slipped disk in the neck. Thanks Peppie and Priest for posting on Moosy.
We still need rest but here is a short update.

The spine is made up of bones called vertebrae (VUR-te-bray) that protect the delicate spinal cord. These vertebrae are separated from each other and cushioned by disks. The disks contain a soft inner layer and a tough outer layer. If the outer layer tears, the soft inner layer can push out and put pressure on the spinal nerves. This can cause severe pain as well as muscular weakness. Slipped disks are also called "herniated," "protruded," and "bulging."

Healthy disk between vertebrae, compared to slipped disk pressing on spinal nerve.
Healthy disk between vertebrae, compared to slipped disk pressing on spinal nerve.

Most slipped disks occur in the lower back. However, slipped disks can occur in any part of the spine, including the neck.



Novell_Guy said...

Yo Dude, we all miss you very much here. Take care and get well....

Anonymous said...

Hi Moose,
just read it.
Get well soon!
Frank Huybregts

Anonymous said...


Take care & get well!!


Anonymous said...

I hope you get well. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Dude! What happened?

Big get well soon from down here!!!