edit /opt/novell/groupwise/client/bin/groupwise
add the bold export line
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/novell/groupwise/client/jre/lib/i386:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
/opt/novell/groupwise/client/bin/groupwise-bin "$@"
Apart from this, two fallback packages need to be installed to ensure the html renderer works, among other things.
These are:
- gtk (this is version 1.2.x)
- glib (also version 1.2.x)
After this, it should work nicely.
Now for the 64.000,- dollar question.
A form of iFolder client that works with 10.3 and works with 3.2 server (OES-Linux version 1).
Will give cookies, if it's really elegant I'll throw in some milk.
No Pressure. Gonna update to OES2-linux soon anyways :)
Sweet... that worked!
Unfortunately, now I get the box that says "Connecting" up, but it never prompts me for a server or password...
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