Friday, November 23, 2007

Social networks *(@#&$

Hyves, plaxo, linkedin, friendster, hi5, facebook, myspace, Yaari and many, many more.....

Not anymore.

Every week I see new invitations for social networks and decided to stop this nonsense.

* I have enough 'friends'

* Receive invitations from people I rather forget about

* Don't want to contribute to commercial organizations building perfect mailinglists

* Have enough e-mail in my inbox without this crap

* I'm not social after all

Apologies for the inconvenience if you received mail from one of the social network sites with our name in it. Be not create an account at Yaari.


Anonymous said...

Spot on!
Let's build a social network of people we'd rather forget about and call it or :-)


Anonymous said...

Let's build a-social networks instead. Yeah! :-)

Anonymous said...

You are so out of my Linkedin, Facebook and Pulse address book...

Anonymous said...

My bad ;-)

Dreams said...

Moosy, I just used Plaxo's opt-out facility (y)