Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Share your cards (digitalTV)


GJ pointed me to this device. Cool for me digital TV, mythTV project


Just released ThinkFinger 0.2.1. Even if the project is just growing up, the resonance is just smashing. It is getting busy on the list, patches are flowing in. Thanks to the efforts of Wolfgang the project now has a nifty website. It is very well integrated with the SourceForge services: Once a news item is added using the SourceForge news system, it also shows up on the project website. Less work — more fun.

thinkfinger.pngWhat. A. Beauty. [http://thinkfinger.sourceforge.net]

Oh, not that I miss the project news: ThinkFinger is not just for IBM/Lenovo ThinkPads. The received reports state that ThinkFinger also breaths life into the UPEK/SGS Thomson Microelectronics fingerprint readers built into Dell and (selected) Toshiba laptops. I will talk about ThinkFinger on this year’s FOSDEM.

P.S. Drop me a note if you speak Hebrew.

It just have been a few days when I realized that this does not only does the trick for GNU/Linux on IBM^w{IBM,Lenovo} ThinkPads. Today an ASUS R1F made its way into the notorious office of the Team Mobile Devices, here in Nuremberg at SuSE.


After couple of minutes — about 20 minutes to install SLED10 SP1 Beta2 on that cutie — I was stoked to see that ASUS is shipping the UPEK/SGS Thomson Microelectronics fingerprint reader, too. ThinkFinger just works.


RandR/xrandr(1)/resapplet work as expected, letting you rotate the screen in any direction. However, the cursor is moving a little funny when using the touchscreen. I’m pretty sure that Danny will take care of that.

Lazy? Get packages of ThinkFinger 0.2.1 for either SLES/SLED 10, SLES/SLED 10 SP1 or openSUSE 10.2.

and this http://en.opensuse.org/User:Fseidel/veryshort_thinkfinger_howto

Sunday, January 28, 2007

anti ms artwork

Sunday evening browsing...bumped into this:

Saturday, January 27, 2007

openSUSE build service announced

The openSUSE team announced today the open sourcing of our openSUSE Build Service (OBS). We believe that it is not only important to release an excellent Open Source distribution but also create it in an open way with Open Source tools together with the openSUSE community. Releasing the build service as Open Source makes the complete project build on Open Source.


The OpenSUSE Build System

Originally, the OpenSUSE Build System was a hosted service running at SUSE. The goal of the build system was to build packages for various distributions from the same build specifications.

Currently it can build packages for the Novell, Red Hat, Mandriva, Debian and Ubuntu (the versions supported currently are: SUSE Linux 9.3, 10.0 and 10.1, OpenSUSE 10.2, SUSE Linux Enterprise 10, Debian Etch, Fedora Core 5, 6, Mandriva 2006 and Ubuntu 6.06).

For example, Aaron is packaging Banshee for a number of platforms, you can browse the packages here.

openSUSE 10.2 Live DVD available

The last piece of the openSUSE 10.2 distribution got released today.

The Live DVD image has a size of 1.7 GB and can be used on every x86
compatible system with at least 512 MB of memory.

It contains a base desktop system (KDE and Gnome) with applications
for office, multimedia and internet usage.

You can downloaded it via


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Beryl on openSUSE 10.2

Howto is available here on the openSUSE site.


Gimmie is an elegant way to think about how you use your desktop computer.Gimmie is a new concept of the panel designed to shift the direction of the desktop beyond the standard WIMP model (Windows, Icons, Menu, Pointer) towards one directly representing the concepts that modern desktop users use every day. It is being considered for inclusion in Project Topaz (a.k.a. Gnome 3.0)

Once it added to the panel you should see the following screen:

More on this

earlier Moosy posts abouty Gimmie: [juli 06, feb 06]

If we combine Gimmie with the new GNOME 3.0 features, Tango, Compiz the new GUI can look like this mock-up. (click image to zoom)

Dell sells opensource computers

slash: Dell is selling desktop computers without Windows preinstalled.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Campaign started

This helps, and that is a statement !

Why we do this? check

Saturday, January 20, 2007

kill fglrx -9

Now I'm on a new kernel with openSUSE 10.2 and a new version of myth 0.20 have some new issues:

I have had it with ATI and tv-out on Linux. Hours have gone into this crap after my upgrade.
bugs in fglrx #(@*$&(@#*$ that where not there is previous versions (*#&$# (suse 10.0, myth 0.19, fglrx 8.24 was working)

Serious about putting in a NVIDIA card.
Problem is that I do not have enough space in my box

Also thinking about a Moosy campaign to boycot ATI cards, complete with banners and press releases.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Flash Player 9 for Linux

by ./martijn

I think we all can be happy that Adobe released the final version of the Adobe Flash Player 9 for Linux.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Populair pages on Moosy

Was looking at the Moosy stats this morning. Interesting to see how Google point users to moosy based on their search criteria. These are by far the most populair pages on Moosy in 2006.

Dr.Red XGL pages (thanks Dr. Red)

why windows fonts look better (digged post)

ATI driver for XGL

mythtv and suse

kiba dock on suse (thanks Priest)

skydome images

suse wallpapers

clustered file systems

sled10 page

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Wall of fame

dynamic post: (let's work on this post later)

Wall of fame, faces behind the code:



more to come

Flickr fun

Was playing with flickr and added THIS to the moosy blog template.
(scroll down and look at the left)

New compiz logo

As all of you know the Compiz Community leaders recently held a contest to pick a new logo for the project. The contest is now over and we, meaning the community members, have chosen a logo. The winning logo was "User Interface" by some1else. Here it is for your viewing pleasure, enjoy it!

Evolution of the Logo

New look for 07

Primary Identity

The Moosy logo is Moosy. It is our signature. Do not change the logo color or font.

black/white logo:

color logo:


Although the traditional, classic Moosy logo, which includes the moose, has been phased out of Moosy blog, the version is still available here

Style update:
We fixed the e-mail button and the shop.
Don't send us e-mail about new products in the shop. Over the next weeks we will add new products to the moosy shop. Please be patient.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

AMD's (ATI) driver version 8.33.6

This release of Catalyst® Linux introduces the following new features:

Being released on November 29, 2006 was the Linux 2.6.19 kernel. However, neither the November 8.31.5 or December 8.32.5 display drivers had appended official support for this kernel. Distribution package maintainers have independently included patches for the 2.6.19 kernel, but finally with the 8.33.6 display drivers had AMD developers patched the mainstream code. The fglrx 8.33.6 display driver should now work out-of-the-box with the Linux 2.6.19 kernel. The major change required for Linux 2.6.19 kernel support was linux/config.h being changed to linux/autoconf.h.

Some more on this driver >>>>>>

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Tomboy for Windows

Tomboy for Windows exists.

Still requires:
Mono for Windows installed with GTK#


see also: evolution on Windows, Firefox on Windows, Gimp on Windows, OpenOffice on Windows

Monday, January 08, 2007

openSUSE 10.2: The Most Complete List of Repositories

Vichar Bhatt maintains quite a list of openSUSE package repositories. Also, be sure to check out Scott Morris his script to automate the insertation of YAST Installation Sources on openSUSE 10.2.

openSUSE 10.2: The Most Complete List of Repositories

solution: opensususe 10.2 vnc

opensuse 10.2 vnc

If you played with openSUSE 10.2 in combination with GNOME you could have bumped into the issue that VNC was not working. It's a bug.

edit /opt/gnome/share/gdm/defaults.conf and look for the [xdmcp] section and change it to enable=true, and then restart gdm, things will start working

Drop a comment to this post if this solution helped you

Thanks Anders for helping us out; you rock

Vnc Opensuse 10.2 Problem

Friday, January 05, 2007

Started 2 wiki

I started to move my MythTV stuff to the wiki

there is now an 'openSUSE 10.2' in the mythtv wiki and I cleaned some of the older suse posts.

created this http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Opensuse_10.2
and this: http://ivtvdriver.org/index.php/Howto:Suse#openSUSE_10.2
and this: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/XMLTV#Netherlands

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

ATI Overlay Surface tv-out

Last updated FEB 8, 2007:

If you have additional info; please drop me an e-mail or comment on this post.

Apparently there is a bug in the ATI driver (fglrx) in the initXVideo procedure.
The last version we tested was version 8.33.6. This still causes video to be distorted when played in/on tv-out. Also check http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/AtiProprietaryDriver

screen looks like this on TV-Out:

The distored image shows what you will see if you attempt to playback video on the Overlay Surface.

Solutions and/or work around:

When you change your /etc/X11/xorg.conf settings and turn off dri by putting a # on the line load dri and set the following options for the driver.

#load "dri"

Option "VideoOverlay" "on"
Option "OpenGLOverlay" "off"

With OpenGL turned on, it works, but the video is pretty slow.
looks like software rendering and a dirty temp. solution.

OPTION 2: (I never got this working, but others have on 32 bit)
The solution for MYTHTV can be found in the in the mythtv source files.
In one of the c++ files there is a ATI patch that you can activate to solve this ATI bug with mythtv.

In the file source .../mythtv/libs/libmyth/videoout_xv.cpp of Mythtv
library, line 67 there should be a commented define:
USE_ATI_PROPRIETARY_DRIVER_XVIDEO_HACK or if you have the lastest source
from the svn trunc,
Uncomment the line and recompile the library by running "make" in the file
directory. Then as root stop the backend and frontend and run "make install"
also in the file directory.
Restart the backend and frontend and it should now be ok.

This will make MythTV ignore the broken I420 format that the driver advertises and use the working YV12 format instead.

I tried option 2 on my 64 bit platform, but the souce code hack only seems to work on 32 bit. option 1 made me crazy. So I have put in an nvidia card and started my anti ATI campaign.

1 FEB 2007:


Is this a bug in the ati driver like described in this old post http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/AtiProprietaryDriver

Played with xrandr, this sets the resolution from a script

mythtv, fglrx, ati, resolution, slow video-out, video out, ATI Overlay Surface tv-out, mythtv ati, vertical sync

Monday, January 01, 2007


Some serious research on my NETGEAR WG311v3.

Tried a 64bit version of Linux and was playing with my wireless card:
Wireless can be a pain on linux and this one was a serious pain; but after a few hours it is working on opensuse 10.2 AMD64.

There are different chipsets avaialble on the WG311 (AR5212 (b/g), Rev 02 has a TI chip, Rev 03 has a Marvell Chip)

madwifi - took some time to figure out that opensuse 10.2 was missing the kernel modules for madwifi. I downloaded the rpm here. http://madwifi.org/suse/10.2/
Looked like my card was fully supported, but the chipset was not !

ndiswrapper - requires 64bit version of the (windows) ndis driver. Netgear does not provide a 64 bit version of the driver so I tried the beta version of the 64 bit driver for vista.
It was loaded by ndisdriver but that was about it.

lspci showed me that I had a Marwell chipset.
Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w8335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g Wireless (rev 03)

I have seen many people having huge problems installing the NETGEAR WG311v3 on 64bit windows and or linux. Netgear refuses to develop x64 drivers. Luckily, this card uses the Marvell Libertas chipset, which many other manufacturers are also using, so it's already done for them. The 64bit ndis driver is available here
For 32bit you can use the normal wg311v3 ndis driver.
Download you driver and install it in ndiswrapper.

howto linux opensuse 10.2 wg311 64 bit